Included file types are: WAV, ACID, Apple Loops, and REX2. Drag n drop performances, loops, and samples. Mix n match song sections and variations. Edit, tweak, and mix to your heart's content. Create, edit, and mix directly within your DAWs environment with sessions formatted for Logic Pro, Cubase, ProTools, and OMF, with more formats coming soon!

Requires the full version of NI Kontakt 5.6.5 or higher and will not work with the free Kontakt Player. You don't have to use Kontakt to work with the Multi-Format edition of the library.

Formatted to seamlessly integrate with your DAW. The sessions are pre-populated and pre-mixed with all of the song sections, performances, and samples for every song kit in the library. Create, edit, and mix directly within your DAWs environment. Logic Pro, Cubase, ProTools, and Garageband… more coming soon!